Our Process


Know the Best Technologies

Studies have shown that the best long-term return on investment happens when the team knows how to get the most from the technology, and then builds a system that aligns with the business. Choosing the platform that can best align with the business now and in the future maximizes the life of the data system.

Our focus is to know the leading technical tools, their advantages and disadvantages, and how they work together. We choose tools with the best combination of quality, market acceptance and business adaptability to construct your system.


Define Delivery and Development Cycles

Imagine we are a construction firm building your home. You would provide us your housing needs and location to build. Though we do all the design and building, you are involved. You understand there are steps in construction; buildings need a foundation, then walls, a roof, etc. These steps to complete are clear. Each step requires inspections before proceeding.

In software, these steps are not always visible. Before we start building, we first define an incremental delivery approach. We determine short-term checkpoints and goals. At each point, we assess progress, enabling us to catch problems long before any “go live” dates.


Understand Your Business

We take a “tailored suit” approach to software. We believe building a system aligned with your business, saves you money over a “packaged” product.

While product-based companies provide a quicker base system, their modifications can be more expensive and less aligned after final delivery. Additionally, some of your business processes will need to change to fit into a packaged system.

With our solution, we start up-front with how your business works. We take the time to learn your processes, then build a tool that helps you do them better.


Focus on Quality

Carpenters always say, “Measure Twice, Cut Once.”

We believe the same applies to the best software. Our two measurements are automated tests and code metrics.

For testing, we believe defined tests in code improve the quality of the finished product and reduce the after-coding costs of systems.

With code metrics, we can reduce complexity and find potential issues before they become problems.


Monitor and Report Constantly

When you hire a company to build your home or office, you can walk through the building anytime, view inspection reports, and know when you can move in.

We believe we must provide visibility with software. At each incremental delivery step, we show our progress and report on our quality inspection results. We also can provide you a test platform for you to walk through the system.